Fishing in Vancouver and Sidney - Early June Report 2022
It has been a spring to forget from a weather perspective! The fishing on the other hand, has been very good on a catch and release basis for chinook salmon! In the next few weeks we should see the first waves of hatchery coho salmon, which will mark the first salmon retention fishery of the summer!
Our Vancouver fishing charters have been fishing for chinook salmon in portions of Howe Sound and out in the Strait of Georgia over to the Gulf Island's. Consistent, good numbers of chinook salmon in the 5 to 20 pounds have been caught on most charters. As we progress into June, we often see numbers of chinook drop in most areas except for the Gulf Islands. As the chinook numbers drop, we will focus on the first hatchery coho salmon of the year off Bowen Island, the Sunshine Coast and West Vancouver. We have seen them show as early as June 15th some years. In recent years, it seems like the last week of June, first week of July is when they show. We will wait and see!

In Sidney, our Vancouver Island based fishing charters have seen good results for chinook salmon on a catch and release basis as well. Ling cod fishing has been decent to take a fish or two home for the bbq. Our charter boat based in Sidney can do pick ups on Galiano, Saltspring, Pender and Mayne Island if you are over there visiting and would like to do a charter!

We are anticipating a sockeye salmon fishery in mid August for roughly a month. If you are looking to get out, we are already pretty busy in August with limited space left. Give us a call or send an email if you would like to get out!