Fall Fishing Report for Vancouver
September 2022 is definitely going to be one to remember for two big reasons! Amazing summer weather and very consistent fishing for big chinook salmon. There has been some very big fish around as well! Dimitri guided his guests into a season topping 42.5 pound chinook off the Fraser River Mouth on September 24th! As we progress into October we will see the migratory chinook fishing slow and a transition into feeder/winter chinook fishing and some late season coho fishing begin!
Over the last month, we have spent the majority of our time targeting chinook off the Fraser River Mouth and also the Capilano RIver Mouth. It is safe to say local anglers experienced one of the most consistent Septembers in recent memory. Fish averaged in the 10 to 20 pound range and bites were often frequent. A big reason the fishing was so good was that the Chilliwack Hatchery doubled there production a few years ago and upped their hatchery chinook release from 1 million to 2 million fish. With a 4 to 6 percent return rate, there was certainly an abundance of fish around. The dry weather also helped delay their in river migration.

Coho salmon have been here in decent numbers as well. We have seen some decent waves of coho salmon off the Fraser and Capilano River Mouths. We have also seen some good results in the Gulf Island's. It is looking like it is going to be a decent coho return this year, good to see! If the weather stays dry, the fishing could stay productive for coho well into October. We have had good success on a Gibbs Skinny Gs like the Bon Chovy and Irish Cream and also UV White Hootchies behind Bon Chovy or Madi Gibbs Guide Series Flashers.. Always solid bets!

Fall is definitely on its way even though it feels like summer still! As we get later into October we will start targeting winter chinook salmon in Howe Sound . Our boats are covered and heated and when the migratory salmon season ends we transition to winter chinook fishing! Pretty lucky to have a year round salmon fishery in Vancouver! We are open in November and December!