Vancouver Late Summer Fishing Report
We have enjoyed one of the most consistent summer fishing seasons in years. The summer started with consistent, extended waves of coho salmon, followed by waves of pink salmon and some big pulses of nice chinook salmon! As we move into September, this is when many anglers get excited as the Fraser River Mouth opens up for chinook salmon!
Over the last couple weeks, our Vancouver salmon fishing charters have not had to travel very far to find good salmon fishing action. Vancouver harbour, the West Vancouver shoreline in particular, has seen quality stretches of action where good numbers of chinook salmon have been caught and retained. Nice to have these good size fish so close!

As we progress in September, we will split our time between Vancouver Harbour and the Mouth of the Fraser River. Chinook, pink and coho will be present and opportunities are typically quite good for migratory chinook until the end of September. As we move into October, we will split our time between targeting feeder chinook in Howe Sound and migratory fish in Vancouver Harbour and off the Fraser River.

Give us a call if you want to get out on the water!