Vancouver Fishing Report, June 17th, 2024
Georgia Strait has been a lively one over the last few weeks. While on our Vancouver salmon fishing the abunance hales, salmon, seals and baitfish have been amazing to see. There are good numbers of coho showing in the Gulf Islands and a few showing up off the South End of Bowen Island. We will likely see more coho in Vancouver waters soon.
The last few weeks have been entertaining from a fishing perspective. There has been lots of chinook salmon around and we are seeing a few hatchery coho in our catches as well. Coho Salmon are now open if they are hatchery marked and chinook salmon will likely be open for retention on July 15th in some areas. The Strait of Georgia really seems to be alive with good numbers of salmon around from Galiano Island all the way up to Campbell River. It is setting up to be a good summer season. There has been some nice big chinook salmon around while we are targeting coho or DNA sampling.

We are hoping for and anticipating more and more coho showing in local waters. By the end of June last year coho fishing was in fulll swing from Bowen Island up to the Sunshine Coast. Trolling white hootchies fast and shallow is a good way to get these early coho.

Our summer season is starting to get pretty busy! If you are looking at booking at summer day charter or fishing package, now is a good time to do it!